“It is not so much where my motivation comes from but rather how it manages to survive.” – Louise Bourgeois
Scrim, 2021, Acrylic on canvas, 12” x 16”
“Salmagundi Spring Members Exhibition”
Salmagundi Club.
47 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10003.
Dates: May 3 to May 20
Number 3, 2021, charcoal, pastel and acrylic on paper, 23 7/8” x 17 7/8”
“Art in Isolation”
The Century Association
7 West 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
Dates: April 22 to July 16
Mirror Image, 2018, charcoal on paper, 18 x 21 1/2 inches
Mirror Image, 2018, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 20″ x 40″
Mirror Image Rug, 2019, handmade Nepalese rug, 6 x 12 feet
From beginning to end?
Here is a sampling of my newest efforts. they have come unbidden and don’t know where they’re going.
Once in a Blue Moon, 2014, acrylic and oil on canvas, 40 × 64 in
“Four Play” 2015-16
Some years ago Charles Yoder found himself in a pine forest standing in deep snow under a clear sky and full moon.
The beauty of the dark shadows playing across the sparkling white snow had such an effect on him that he changed from “abstraction” to “realism” then and there. Since that night Nature has been the source of all his work. No theories or schools of art dictate the art making.
What was before him, what lay at his feet provided all that he needed. His work became the meditation on a glimpse.
“Four Play” Panel 1 of 3
“Four Play” Panel 2 of 3
“Four Play” is a painting that charts the progression of the four seasons, all contained in the course of a single day. In this way, Spring is Dawn that becomes Summer as Midday that becomes Autumn as Dusk and then Night as Winter. Its length allows the viewer to experience the additional dimensions of time and space as they walk from one end to the other. It is literally a “walk in the woods” with the spectator becoming a participant.
“Four Play” Panel 3 of 3
See the video below to view the progression of the painting from start to finish. It’s an interesting insight into what goes on in the making of a painting.